Top Things to know About Cold Air Intake Systems
The air intake of your vehicle plays an important role in its performance. It is responsible for drawing in fresh, cool air to help cool the engine; this reduces the risk of overheating and stalling. When your vehicle has a dust-covered or dirty air intake, however, it prevents more air from entering the engine – leading to potential problems with performance and safety.
Common Causes
It doesn’t take long for road debris and rainwater to collect on your vehicle’s front grille and around the hood vents. Once these areas are exposed to wind and rain, they become susceptible to small particles of dust and dirt that get sucked into the engine. As a result, your vehicle’s performance will be compromised by a lack of power and an increased risk of stalling due to overheating.
To prevent these problems from happening, it is essential for you to regularly clean the air intake of your vehicle – especially if you often drive on dusty roads or in wet conditions. There are several ways you can do this:
Use an air filter cleaner to remove any dirt and grime from the filter; this will make it easier for fresh air to enter your vehicle’s engine. Use a crevice tool to get into hard-to-reach areas around the front grille, hood vents and radiator.
Use an automotive dryer or blower to blow out any trapped particles in these areas. Cleaning the front grille and hood can be done with a cloth and soapy water if there are no electrical components nearby that could become damaged by water.
If you have access to an automotive vacuum, use it to suck out the dirt and particles that have collected in these areas – especially if they are hard to reach with other tools.
Regular Maintenance
In addition to cleaning your vehicle’s air intake, regular maintenance of its cooling system is also essential for performance and safety. To ensure that your engine does not overheat or stall due to lack of coolant, check the level and condition of the antifreeze every two weeks or so. If the level is low, add more coolant; if it has a burnt smell or is discoloured, replace it with new antifreeze.
You should also inspect your radiator and cooling system to make sure they are in good condition and free from leaks – especially if you have recently driven on roads that are subject to freezing temperatures. If there are signs of damage such as cracks, leaks or chipped areas in your radiator or hoses, replace them immediately.
Replacing the Air Intake
When replacing your air intake system, you need to consider several factors such as the type of engine, year and model of your vehicle. It is also important to consider whether you want to replace the entire system or just specific components such as the filter or intake tube.
The size and shape of your vehicle’s engine will determine what type of air intake system will work best for it. If you have a V-8 engine, for example, an aftermarket cold-air intake is the most effective at reducing heat in the engine bay and increasing horsepower – especially when driving at high speeds.
If you drive mostly on city roads or highways with low to moderate traffic, however, an open-fronted cold-air intake may be more suitable for your vehicle. This type of system draws in fresh cool air through the front grille of your vehicle; it also has a belt-driven fan that increases airflow to the engine.
Replacing your entire air intake system is not difficult if you have basic tools and car knowledge. With this in mind, however, replacing only certain components such as the filter can be more cost-effective – especially if you already have an aftermarket cold-air intake system on your vehicle.
There are performance air intake systems that come with filters, brackets and mounting hardware that make installation easier. One such system is the MST air intake, which comes with a durable black plastic intake tube, filter and mounting bracket. The MST air intake system also reduces engine noise by up to 50 per cent while increasing horsepower by 15 to 20 (at 7,000 RPM).
MST’s performance cold-air intake systems are made from high-quality components that are built to last for years. They come with a stainless steel MAF pipe and filter housing, which ensures better airflow than stock air intakes. You can install this intake system in less than 30 minutes; it also comes with a 90-day limited warranty.
To conclude, air intakes need to be cleaned regularly in order for your vehicle’s engine to operate at its full potential. By doing so, you will protect the engine from overheating and stalling due to lack of coolant. In addition, regular maintenance of the cooling system is essential for performance and safety – including replacing any faulty components that can affect the car’s overall performance.