The Book Gifted Hands Is A Must Read

The book Gifted Hands tells a wonderful and inspiring story about an Afro-American kid Ben Carson who lives in Detroit, Michigan, together with his mother and older brother. Besides the many obstacles in his life, his faith in God helps him to fulfill his dream to become the director of the pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University Hospital.


When Ben was young, he lacked motivation for studying and had terrible grades. He grew up without a father to lead him, so as he was getting older, Ben developed an unmanageable temper that could have put him in jail – he nearly killed his best friend. This dreadful experience changed Ben’s life. His mother, a single parent with a 2nd grade education only, convinced Ben and his brother that they could make something out of themselves. From being totally uninterested about school, her sons fully dedicate themselves to reading and within a year, Ben turns into an excellent student. He continues to soar as a great student, besides the racial prejudice and by keeping his mother’s words of courage and wisdom in his head. Thanks to his outstanding grades and achievements, Ben succeeds to receive a scholarship to Yale University.

Since the very beginning, Ben knows that he wants to become a great doctor, so he works really hard in realizing his dream. Meanwhile, Ben meets Candy, a talented musician that soon becomes his wife. After Yale, Ben continues his education in a medical school in Michigan State.

During his medical-school days, he becomes the best student, so interns and residents start to rely on his help. After finishing his neurosurgery studies, he applies at Johns Hopkins as a resident. Here, Ben develops a successful career as a Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery.

Today, Dr. Ben Carson has twenty honorary doctorates. He shares with the world his experiences related to racism, including his breathtaking surgery stories as well. One such amazing story is when his wife Candy miscarries their twins and the next morning, he has to perform a rare procedure, called hemispherectomy – he has to separate Siamese twins joined at the head. Again, with a strong belief in God and by keeping his mother’s voice in head, Ben and his team manage to save the twins after a 22-hour surgery.

This extremely powerful and motivational book “Gifted Hands” is an autobiography about a man who succeed in his life, a man who lives to help others. His faith in God and his mother, made him one of the most renowned doctors in the world. Read this beautiful life-teaching book “Gifted Hands” and receive its powerful message – “Never give up on your goals”.